100 Million Boccia Players

Do you know what makes Boccia so fascinating?

Boccia is one of the most strategic games in parasports. It was designed so even severely disabled persons can play. It's a great game for everyone, whether you're a child or a senior, or disabled or not.

However, the unique rules make it a sport whose appeal is difficult to understand for a spectator who has never played it.

With the Boccia Ruler we want to make boccia into a more accessible, familiar spectator sport for everyone.

The Boccia Ruler is a relay system that's makes the game fun for first-time boccia spectators by giving them a direct sense of what's happening.

Cameras and sensors installed around the boccia court follow the game. A computer analyzes the data to determine each ball's position. That positional information shows up on the monitor so fans can easily see how many points each team has and so on.

We are developing ball recognition techniques and intuitive display formats in the hope the sport will adopt the Boccia Ruler as an official spectating system.


Aug 25, 2017

The Boccia Ruler was used in the boccia experience corner at No Limits Special 2017 Ueno, an event held at Ueno Onshi Park in Tokyo.

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100 Million Boccia Players
